is a new way of seeing and interacting with the UFO phenomenon. It
sees the phenomena observed as the product of intelligent light forms that have
co-existed with humanity since time immemorial. It reveals what they are, how
to see them, where to see them and what to do if you do see them.
the modern flying saucer era began in 1947 we have been told that UFOs are interplanetary
craft and their occupants either intergalactic ambassadors or invaders from space.
Tales of crashed saucers, ancient astronauts, and the alien agenda dominate UFO
literature and media presentations, but has this led us astray?
Have we
been conditioned to believe that UFOs are nuts and bolts space hardware, when
clearly the phenomena seen, when genuinely real, seems far more exotic than anything
previously imagined? If we can see UFOs as sentient energy forms and complex plasma
constructs then we enter a whole new realm of possibilities, which might even
start to make sense of UFO close encounters and missing time episodes.
on the work of pioneers in the this field such as Paul Devereux, Michael Persinger
and Jenny Randles, LightQuest looks at the proposed inter- relationship between
manifesting light forms and both shifts in space-time and the presence of a higher
dimensional reality unfurled during such profound experiences. Is it possible
that during UFO close encounters we enter what might be described as isolated
bubble universes, where the interaction between human consciousness and plasma-based
environments come together to create virtual worlds of our own making, based on
our present conception of what we expect to experience under such traumatic and
otherworldly circumstances?

the answer is yes, then the only good explanation would have to involve a progressive
understanding of quantum entanglement, i.e. non-local communication, in which
whole systems of twinned particles are able to transfer information back and forth
in an instant of time. Under such conditions a shifted reality that might present
itself as the interior of a spacecraft, the realm of faerieor even the heavenly
paradise might come into being, and be very real indeed. Yet in fact it is a mental
projection existing temporarily within a higher dimensional reality attached to
highly energetic light forms.
So is there any real intelligence behind
these energetic light forms, which seem to be plasma based in nature (i.e. they
exist as photon emitting seas of electrons held together by magnetic fields)?
quantum physicist David Bohm was perhaps the first to realize that seas of electrons
making up plasma environments act in a manner that might be described as cell-like
in behaviour, in other words they mimicked the actions of cellular life. He posited
that some form of proto intelligence existing under normal circumstances in a
deeper level of reality might be able to interpenetrate plasma environments for
the duration of their existence. Such ideas have been examined more closely in
recent years by plasma physicists such as Vadim N. Tsytovich of the General Physics
Institute at the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow, working alongside colleagues
from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany,
and the University of Sydney, Australia. Tsytovich is convinced that cell-like
life forms existing in plasma environments might have helped kick start life on
this planet, or that it might exist quite separate to biological life. In fact,
he proposes that plasma life might exist in space, and that SETI like initiatives
might pay better dividends if they were to search for signs of intelligence within
the plasma environments that make up as much as 95 percent of the universe as
we know it.
Can such light intelligences, if they exist, inhabit balls
of light and UFOs of the type so frequently recorded both in the past and since
the advent of the flying saucer age? Many UFO researchers have concluded this
fact across the years. Paul Devereux has examined such ideas, as has psychologist
Dr Gregory Little. Yet by far the greatest pioneer in this field of study is writer
Trevor James Constable. Since the 1950s, in books such as They Live in the Sky
and The Cosmic Pulse of Life, he has proposed that UFOs are amoeba-like animals
or "critters" that inhabit the upper atmosphere. In his opinion, these
"sky-creatures" exist in an invisible form, but very occasionally shift
in frequency to become visible as shimmering disks, lights in the sky and glowing
balls of energy. He even wrote that such energy forms were responsible for circular
ground markings identified in the past as saucer nests, but which are today known
more popularly as crop circles.

if light energy forms of this nature can be sentient in nature, what - the UFO
believer is going to say - has this to do with real UFOs, i.e. the space vehicles
from distant star systems used by the aliens to abduct people?
The answer
is that all around the world UFO hotspots, or window areas, seem to produce a
plethora of cases of mysterious light sightings across a prolonged period of time.
There seems to be a profound relationship between what is seen and where it is
seen, arguably based on geology, topography and other environmental factors. This
would suggest that many UFOs are manifestations associated with the earth itself,
or at least the location in which they appear. Such sightings have occurred for
hundreds if not thousands of years. Although we see this phenomena today as the
result of alien hardware inbound from other planets, in the past mysterious lights
were interpreted as visible signs of the faerie realm, or as the eyes of hellish
denizens or the light of saints. In other words, we interpret what we see in a
manner acceptable to our present day understanding of a phenomenon that has no
easy explanation in the world in which we live.
crucial is the fact that the same locations where strange lights are repeatedly
seen UFO close encounters and even missing time episodes can and do take place.
Invariably, these close proximity UFO events involve, not structured craft as
we are so often led to believe, but energetic balls of light. It is they that
seem responsible for such missing time episodes, which all too often lead to claims
of alien contact and onboard experiences of the type first reported in connection
with the Betty and Barney Hill case from 1961.
Is it because we have been
conditioned to believe that UFOs are space hardware that missing time episodes
so often lead to hideous abduction experiences with bug-eyed aliens? In the past
similar encounters with mysterious light forms could result in unexpected entries
to fairyland, trips to paradise, or nightmarish abductions into Hell. All of these
experiences are perhaps of our own making, and what LightQuest attempts to do
is show that by accepting that these otherworldly experiences are essentially
our own, we can, conceivably, change what happens under such traumatic circumstances.
Communion with what might be described as sentient plasma light forms can be different,
and they need to be, for there is every reason to believe that these light intelligences
might actually want to both interact with us, and communicate with humankind,
for reasons that can only be guessed at today.

Paul Devereux, to whom the book is dedicated, has stated:
If earth lights
actually are geophysical-based manifestations of consciousness, then they represent
an older form than biologically-based consciousness. In effect, they are ancestor
lights. Perhaps it is time we got to know the ancestors a whole lot better.
is a science to seeing and interacting with mysterious light forms and UFO intelligences,
and the most obvious key is the role that plasma and higher dimensional realities
play in this world of ours, and not whether or not humanity as a race is being
subjected to some dark alien agenda.