False Signal or the Real Thing?
an intelligent radio signal from deep space been picked up by a NASA scientist,
and is it being suppressed?
The evidence is looking shaky so far.

RAO in Puerto Rico
Collins Reports
NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars.
NASA scientist has detected a radio signal emanating from an area of sky with
astronomical coordinates corresponding to the bright red star Aldebaran in Taurus.
She has confirmed that the signal contains an intelligent message, which is now
being deciphered. The Arecibo radio telscope in Puerto Rico, along with other
RAOs (radio astronomical observatories) around the world, have now been focused
on these coordinates in the hope of confirming the intelligent signal, and establishing
exactly what this ET civilization, perhaps thousands of light years away, is trying
to communicate with planet earth. Sound likes the plot to Carl Sagan's book "Contact",
the 1997 film adaptation of which featured actress Jodie Foster as the astronomer
who first receives the signal.
However, this is no fictional story. It
is the "breaking news" that is rocketing around the internet as I write.
Alternative Egypt writer Wayne Herschel, author of book The Hidden Records,
has revealed
on Facebook that an astrophysicist named Judy Fältskog, who operates
out of a major RAO that reports back to NASA, detected the "intelligent "
signal inbound from Aldebaran in Taurus, and perhaps eve from multiple coordinates
including: Epsilon Eridany, Izar (Epsilon Bootes), Thuban (Alpha Draconis) and
Proxima Centauri. All of these sources are apparently sending out intelligent
signals that are seen as unnatural.
is now Herschel handled the announcement on May 3:
Several RAO´s
(Radio Observatories) like Aricebo and others now in the US have gone online,
England is online, South Africa is online, Australia has been online since last
night! Russia is going online now, Germany is still in a discussion to go online,
China is online. Holy s..t! News travels fast. Gonna unplug this freaken fone,
I cannot get any work done..." (posted about 6pm UK time - May 3, 2010)"
asked if there is any chance it is a natural or normal signal... she answered...
"Heck this is as abnormal Naturally and Naturally Intelligent as it comes.
Better than the "Wow" signal and then to top it all in the deep Ultraviolet
Frequency. No wonder no one found anything before, they were looking in the wrong
Frequency range. We opened up a bag of Bees! Let´s try not to get stung!"...
from NASA just commented... saying...
data is backing up as it goes along".
I was told that it has reached diplomatic levels. Guess who is the main negotiator?
Pretty soon we have to go on stealth mode as FB is infested by blokes with "Need-to-Know"
and "X" security clearances. That is if we want to get the Truth out
to the Public, ... See Morewhich I feel is important. Got a lot of confused people
walking up and down the corridors here at the observatory. Hope they keep politics
out of Science!"
pointed out that Judy Fältskog has a Facebook page, but asked people not
to bombard her with with questions, since she was obviously busy right now. A
sensible request, for the next thing Judy's Facebook account is suddenly deleted,
leading instantly to claims of suppression of truth and a NASA conspiracy to hide
the facts.
Suddenly, this is the hottest story on the Internet (other than South Park being
possibly responsible for the bomb in New York's Times Square due to their recent
portrayal of Mohammed in a bear suit for their 200th episode).
Top Secret, Facebook
and many other news forums began debating the story as it spread like wildfire.
was the signal for real? What has happened to Judy Fältskog? Is there any
independent confirmation of this story?
watched all this unfold, and asked these questions to my own contacts in the world
of astronomy and astrophysics. Their opinions were informative. Firstly, it can
be confirmed that none of this has anything to do with SETI - the Search for Extra
Terrestrial Intelligence, as they are privately funded and not affiliated to NASA.
Secondly, it becomes clear that although Judy Fältskog is connected with
NASA, she is also a UFO buff into alien abductions (nothing wrong with that, of
course). She had asked the observatory whether it could target the coordinates
associated with the signal, particularly those in the region of Aldebaran, at
the suggestion of Herschel, since they feature in proposed star alignments concerning
the geometry of the Giza monuments.
As to what's happened to her, I understand
from a close informant that she is having a nervous breakdown, which is very sad,
and it is probably for this reason that she has closed her Facebook account, not
because she is being hastled by the NSA.
Hoagland, the purveyor of all thing alien and Martian, has claimed publicly that
the whole thing is a hoax, a claim stringently denied by Herschel.
own contacts tell me that there is no buzz about this story among the RAOs they
know, although obviously they cannot speak for all of them.
subscribe to ATEL, the astronomer's telegram, the purpose of which is to inform
RAOs around the world of tentative deep space dicoveries in different wave bands
of the electromagnetic spectrum. The idea is for other observatories to try to
monitor the object in question in the hope of learning more about what's going
on, (bearing in mind that after a star sets in one country it rises in another,
so can be monitored there). There has been nothing on ATEL about any rogue signals
inbound from Aldebaran or any other deep space object.
of this proves that the intelligence signal inbound from Aldebaran, or wherever,
is false. I simply do not have enough information to say one way or another what
is going on here. All I do know is that stories that are too good to be true,
often are. So be careful what you believe, for the moment at least. Wait for that
all important confirmation from a nice, independent source before shouting "contact"
from the top of the nearest high building.