Andrew Collins Newsletter Vol. 12 No. 2(August 2009)
Psychic Questing Weekender 2009
second annual Psychic Questing Weekender will be held over the weekend of Saturday/Sunday,
19/20th September at the Village Hall, High Street, Avebury, Wiltshire. Weekend
admission is £25 and tickets should be purchased in advance by clicking
here. I shall be presenting
a master class in psychic questing. This is using your hidden psychic talents
to achieve tangible results, including artefact retrieval, remote viewing, psychometry,
astral projection, dream incubation, and much more. I shall also be recounting
some recent successful questing exploits, including the psychic side of our discoveries
of the cave system at Giza. This, as many of you will understand, has some rather
unorthodox elements, which I shall reveal for the first time. Clearly, I shall
also be providing an audio-visual presentation on our discoveries, which will
include the first ever public display of scenes from inside Giza's underground
realm. For those of you interested in the search for the Hall of Records this
is an unmissable event. Catch the spirit, and be there.
Stone Anniversary Events
The Psychic Questing Weekender will also include
a special thirtieth anniversary presentation on the Green Stone story. Although
a topic I thought I had left behind years ago, I have found myself being drawn
back into this subject in a big way. It has made me re-evaluate many aspects of
the saga, leading me to conclude that I am being nudged into writing on this subject
again. I would love to do a new book on the Green Stone story, although quite
obviously from a modern-day perspective. I have learnt so much that it would be
criminal not to make these findings public.
This is where the audience
of the Psychic Questing Weekender will benefit, for I shall talk about some of
the new material, and get them involved in Green Stone inspired meditations, where
we shall try and link directly to the events of September-October 1979. I shall
also announce plans for us to visit some of the sites featured in the saga around
the time of the 30th anniversary. I genuinely believe that it is important to
celebrate this event in an appropriate manner, and I can't do this without you.
So don't miss out. Details of local guest houses, B & Bs, and hotels are also
listed online, so you can make your plans immediately.