Andrew Collins Newsletter Vol. 12 No.
3(October 2009)
Beneath the Pyramids Published and Latest
on Giza's Cave Underworld

the Tomb of the Birds (Reisner's NC # 2)in the north cliff
of Giza's Moqattam
Formation (copyright Andrew Collins, 2009).
week sees the publication of my much anticipated new book BENEATH THE PYRAMIDS.
It fully documents my investigation and rediscovery of Giza's cave underworld,
with the help of Nigel Skinner Simpson, engineer Rodney Hale and my wife Sue.
It is a work I am very pleased and excited about, and I do hope that it is something
that will interest you.
story goes as follows.
March 2008 we went on to the Giza plateau and located the entrance to a previously
unrecorded cave underworld, entered via an enigmatic tomb some distance due west
of the Great Pyramid. This find was achieved after piecing together clues left
in the 200-year-old memoirs of a nineteenth century British diplomat and explorer
named Henry Salt. He recorded how in 1817 he and Italian explorer Giovanni Caviglia
entered and explored "catacombs" at Giza for a distance of "several
hundred yards" before coming upon spacious chambers and "labyrinthick"
passages that penetrated the darkness still further.
geology hints that this cave system might extend beneath the Second Pyramid and
link with a whole network of cave tunnels, compartments and chambers existing
right the way down to the Sphinx on the eastern edge of the plateau.
existence of the cave tunnels argue that ancient Egyptian mythology is based on
truth. Ancient funerary and creation texts speaks of the existence in the vicinity
of Giza, ancient Rostau, of just such a cave underworld - one through which the
soul of the pharaoh had to pass in order to achieve rebirth among the stars. Thus
the pyramids were very likely built where they were because of the known presence
beneath the plateau of this cave underworld. The pyramids' cave-like passages
enabled symbolic access to this underground realm, where the soul of the pharaoh,
in its role as Osiris, was expected to achieve transformation within a mystical
chamber known as the Shetayet, quite literally the "Tomb or God", called
also the Duat n Ba, or "Underworld of the Soul". This deep structure
was thought to exist somewhere in the vicinity of Giza, in what was known as the
Duat of Memphis or Duat of Rostau.
this is the politics and intrigue surrounding the cave discoveries. How were amateurs
like ourselves able to make such finds? Why have the caves' existence been denied
by Egypt's head Egyptologist? Why has their discovery stirred up so much interest
worldwide? The clue is that they help fulfil age old, and more recent, prophecies
surrounding the imminent discovery of just such a cave complex at Giza - one that
might well provide undeniable evidence of early human activity on the plateau
that goes back beyond even the age of the pharaohs.
book's publisher is 4th Dimension Press, an imprint of The ARE Press, Virginia
Beach, VA. Initially, the book will be available to purchase only via online book
services, such as Amazon.com (click here),
or directly from the publisher (click here).
Copies will then reach other bookstores in the US, and publication in the UK (including
Amazon.co.uk - click here)
will be in November. This too is when I shall receive my first batch of books
for resale. I shall be offering a special signed and numbered edition, with a
unique stamp, but if you wish to get your hands on a copy as quickly as possible
I suggest applying to the sources given here.
you do purchase BENEATH THE PYRAMIDS from an online bookstore like Amazon, I want
you to do something for me. Once you have read the book, or even before if you
wish, click on the page selling the book (click here) and give it a star rating
and brief review. I ask this since it is important for a book's sales promotion,
which in turn affects its overall ranking. I appreciate this. I'll remind you
again later.

Collins peers inside the opening chamber of Giza's cave underworld.
Note the
breached stone wall. Is it modern or ancient? Who breached it, and when?
age is the tomb?(copyright Andrew Collins, 2009)
respect to the cave discoveries at Giza, Egypt's top Egyptologist Dr Zahi Hawass
is still denying their existence, claiming that we merely got confused inside
an already recorded tomb, and thought that its 35-meter length was longer than
it actually is. Yet as the dozens of pictures taken inside the caves show, we
are well aware of what a tomb looks like and know the difference between 35 meters
and a conservative estimate of 90 meters travelled inside the natural cave system,
which constitutes the only known hard evidence for the existence of Giza's cave
the subject of the tomb in which the caves are accessed. Dr Hawass claims that
it is fully recorded, but the only modern evidence which has come to light since
the cave
controversy began
is a previously unpublished plan drawn in 1939 by a draftsman working with American
Egyptologist George Reisner (click here
to see the plan and here to read my response),
as well as a rough plan sketched in the Expedition diary for the date Friday,
April 28th, 1939 (link to follow). The latter is slightly more detailed, and shows
the opening in the wall that provides access to the cave complex. However, the
caves themselves are not shown. How could this possibly be? How it is that a methodical
Egyptologist like Reisner failed to record the existence of a massive cave system
unique to the plateau? Somehow, it just doesn't make sense. Perhaps he just wasn't
interested in exploring natural caves, or simply did not have the time to venture
further. Since the ominous shadow of the Second World War was looming ever closer,
and the tomb had already been ear-marked as a makeshift air raid shelter for his
workers, I suspect that he had other things on his mind.
only people known to have entered the tomb other than Salt and Caviglia is Col.
Richard Howard Vyse and British engineer John Shae Perring. Their team explored
the tomb in 1837, discovering the remains of bird and animal mummies (the reason
why we refer to it as the "Tomb of the Birds"). It is likely that the
tomb came to be venerated as the site of a local bird god, most obviously the
falcon-headed Sokar, the patron of the Giza necropolis, due to the presence of
the caves. This might well have been seen as the entrance to the underworld of
Giza-Memphis, over which Sokar had dominion. As you also read in the book, the
caves (el-kahf in Arabic) are in local tradition said to be haunted by a giant
snake called el-Hanash, a memory perhaps of the serpents that the ancient Egyptians
believed frequented the cave underworld that the pharaoh had to pass on his way
to the afterlife. I talk also about the tradition existing through to medieval
times that either the Great Pyramid or Second Pyramid was thought to be the tomb
of Agathodaimon, the "good spirit", a Gnostic god in the form of a serpent,
which was said to "repose", i.e. rest, beneath the plateau.