by Shane Van Boxtel, taken in Minneapolis during the Paradigm Conference in
a r t h Q u e s t -N e w s The
Andrew Collins Newsletter - January 2015 In
this issue: The latest
on the republication of The Black Alchemist. Andrews lecture and book entitled
Lost World of the Human Hybrids. Announcement regarding the impending republication
of The Seventh Sword. Book your tour now with Andrew Collins and Hugh Newman to
Angkor Wat and Southeast Asia in March 2015, Peru and Bolivia in June 2015, and
Göbekli Tepe and surrounding area in May and September 2015.
everyone had a peaceful and relaxing festive season, and that you are all looking
ahead now to whatever life brings us in 2015. May that be greater and more bolder
than anything we have experienced before. I must apologise for not having
been in touch since the Origins 2014 conference in November. The reason for this
is that its organisation took up so much time that I was not able to turn my attention
towards any other pressing projects until it was over. They include putting to
bed the new remastered edition of my 1988 book The Black Alchemist. I
spent a lot of time on the republication of this book with the help of my friend,
the fantasy writer Storm Constantine, who is also the proprietor, along with her
husband Jim Hibbert, of Immanion Press publishing house. She has helped me in
all aspects of the final publication of The Black Alchemist, particularly
formatting the pages, the creation of the cover and generating the files for uploading
to CreateSpace, the self-publishing branch of Amazon. I have decided to go down
this route for its publication as it means I retain complete control of the editorial
content, the books appearance and its sales, marketing and promotion. This
will be essential to ensure its greater success. For those of you who
know the book, I will say that it now has an extra six chapters, which includes
a new ending in 1988, and a final chapter called Resurgence. This follows my most
recent attempts at tracing the alchemical and magical workings of the character
we called the Black Alchemist. What this will show is that the affair is by no
means over, and even as I write new discoveries are being made that will eventually
reach publication. Even though it is generally believed that the Black Alchemist
is no longer alive, his presence can still be felt on the bleak Sussex Downs of
southern England where he conducted much of his magical operations in the 1980s.
The remastered edition of The Black Alchemist is now scheduled for
publication on 21st March 2015. It will be 378 pages in length, soft cover in
finish, with 64 photos and illustrations, notes and references, and a brand new
introduction on the Black Alchemist phenomenon, including the virtual riots it
caused on publication. There will be a special signed and numbered edition, stamped
in red ink with Dr John Dees Monas Hieroglyphica symbol. The cost per book
I have kept low. In the UK it will be £9.99 and in the USA $18.99. The
cover blurb will be as follows: The Black Alchemist is a real account
of terrifying true events. The nightmare begins when Collins and his friend Bernard
G. visit a secluded churchyard on the Sussex Downs of southern England as part
of a psychic quest. They are looking for an ancient Egyptian treasure, a golden
staff known as the Stave of Nizar, brought to England at the time of the Crusades.
Yet instead of finding a long lost Egyptian relic they uncover a stone spearhead,
inscribed with magical symbols. Through further investigation they discover it
has been concealed as part of a dark occult ritual by a character they dub the
Black Alchemist. Collins and Bernard are then thrust into a series of horrifying
confrontations as this sinister figure attempts to put a stop to their unwanted
interference. Then, in the aftermath of Britains first hurricane
in nearly 300 years, the Black Alchemist initiates the next phase of his great
workthe creation of an antichrist, a second Adam, taking the form of an
unholy child of unspeakable power. Even though Bernard now wants out of this dangerous
affair, Collins convinces him it is something they cannot ignore, setting up a
final psychic confrontation on the Sussex Downs. During the course of
his investigations the author uncovers the true extent of the Black Alchemists
obsession with Graeco-Egyptian magic and alchemy, as well as his use of the angelic
invocations of Elizabethan magus Dr John Dee. Plus he learns the final fate of
the historical object known as the Stave of Nizar.
know this story line sounds fantastical. However, it accurately reflects events
that occurred between 1985 and 1988 were a huge impact on my life. Indeed, even
the publication of The Black Alchemist was a major nexus point and changed my
life forever. Anyway, there will be an e-book version available too. Not
sure yet on how much this will be, especially as the European Union in their infinite
wisdom have now insisted that 20 percent VAT has to be charged with every e-book
sale in every country of the Union. As this legislation comes into effect on January
1st 2015, it is, inevitably, causing havoc and confusion in the publishing world,
so expect to pay more for e-books in the future.
of the remastered edition of The Black Alchemist.
LOST WORLD OF THE HUMAN HYBRIDS At the Origins 2014 event in London
I presented one of the most difficult lectures of my career. Entitled "Lost
World of the Human Hybrids", it explained the impact of hybridization on
the rise of civilization, and on myths, legends and ancient accounts of mythical
beings like the Watchers, Nephilim, Anunnaki. This will be the subject of a new
book of the same title to be published in 2016, although if you are interested
in this subject then the DVD of my lecture should be available soon. Ill
bring you more information on this soon. Human hybrids is where my own
research is going, and it is something I shall be pursuing in a number of countries
in the coming months and years. I hope to go to Siberia and Indonesia in the next
year, and will also return to West Virginias Valley of the Giants, aka the
Kanawha Valley.

to Russell Hossain and Debbie Cartwright for creating this wonderful image of
a Denisovan-human hybrid for the conference. Is this, as the slide says, what
a real American giant looked like?
SEVENTH SWORD In addition to this, I shall be putting in plans to republish
more of my old books, starting with The Seventh Sword. This was the book that
tells the story of the discovery in 1979 of a short steel sword and antique brass
casket containing the so-called Green Stone, before launching into the quest to
find six other identical swords, which were all found, eventually, under my mysterious
circumstances. As this is such a big book, and there is material I want to restore
into this new edition that never made original, I shall be splitting it into two
halves. I shall also update each part, introducing new material that validates
our earlier work, which is now almost 35 years old. As with everything else in
this newsletter, more on this project soon. |

TO PERU, TURKEY AND ANGKOR WAT In addition to all the above, I shall also
be taking part in four tours to foreign parts, so if you are currently thinking
of going to Peru and Bolivia, or Göbekli Tepe and the surrounding area, or
Ankhor Wat and many other temple sites in Cambodia, then look no further. Below
I have outlined the basic details of each tour and when it occurs. Click the links
for more information: March 17/27. 2015. Sacred Realms of Southeast
Asia Tour with Andrew, Hugh Newman and Bruce Cunningham. Visit Angkor Wat, Anghor
Thom, Preah Vihear, and other sacred temples of Cambodia, and join the optional
excursion to Laos to see the mysterious Plain of Jars. Click
for full details and immediate reservation. 
at Angkor Wat
May 25/30, 2015. Short break to Göbekli Tepe and the surrounding area
with Andrew Collins and Hugh Newman. Experience Göbekli Tepe twice, see Harran,
the Sabian city of the moon god Sin, with its fabulous Astronomical Tower; Karahan
Tepe, Göbekli Tepe's sister site, and also Sanliurfa, the biblical city of
Edessa, with its cave marking the site of the birth of Abraham, its tranquil Pools
Of Abraham, and brand-new archaeological museum with its permanent Göbekli
Tepe and Pre-Pottery Neolithic exhibition.Click
for full details and immediate reservation.

from Göbekli Tepe's Enclosure D. Please
note that Göbekli Tepe is scheduled for an extended closure in order that
a permanent roof might be erected. Latest information indicates that this will
take place sometime in 2016. If we find this venture has been brought forward
to ant time in 2015, I shall advise you. Thus we seriously advise you to get out
to Göbekli Tepe in 2015, as from 2016 onwards this key archaeological site
will become little more than just another open-air museum like so many other historical
sites in Turkey. June
19/29, 2015. ANCIENT ALIENS PERU & BOLIVIA TOUR 2015. Megalithomania and
Hidden Inca Tours invite you on a once in a lifetime expedition to ancient and
mysterious sites in Peru and Bolivia. Click here for more info and immediate registration.
June 29/July 3. Peru & Bolivia Tour. Add-on to Nazca, Paracas, Ica. Click
here for more info and immediate registration. Sept 07/12, 2015. Short break to
Göbekli Tepe and the surrounding area with Andrew Collins and Hugh Newman.
Experience Göbekli Tepe twice, see Harran, the Sabian city of the moon god
Sin, with its fabulous Astronomical Tower; Karahan Tepe, Göbekli Tepe's sister
site, and also Sanliurfa, the biblical city of Edessa, with its cave marking the
site of the birth of Abraham, its tranquil Pools Of Abraham, and brand-new archaeological
museum with its permanent Göbekli Tepe and Pre-Pottery Neolithic exhibition.
here for more information and immediate registration.

at Cusco
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